せ つ な せ つ な
黒い直線を描く行為は、刹那そのものです。視覚化で表現した“Line 線”とは対照的に、この“せ つ な“は、聴覚により『刹那』を体感するアプローチに挑戦した、サウンドアートです。
注釈:『刹那』 仏教思想上、極めて短い時間を表した単位。
The installation artwork “Line 線” was made and shown with a mass of 3D papers visualizing our recent feelings, day after day, when we could not help feeling “Setsuna” (1) circulating. (Reference: インスタレーション作品の公式ウェブをここにお願いします。)
This “せ つ な ” (2) challenged to express “Setsuna” with a new approach, which is hearing. Their root of expression is always consistent. Please try to listen and feel “Setsuna…..Setsuna……”
(1) “Setsuna” is the Japanese pronunciation of Ksana, which is the Sanskrit word meaning a tiny amount of time. One Setsuna is 0.013 seconds. In Buddhism, all kinds of things are recurring “Birth, Life, and Death” loop in cycles of 0.013 seconds.
(2) “せ つ な” is the Japanese pronunciation and cursive syllabary of “Setsuna.”