中之条ビエンナーレについて About the Nakanojo Biennale

An International Arts Festival Facing and Expressing the Present
中之条ビエンナーレ2021国際現代芸術祭では「 -PARAPERCEPTION- 知覚の向こうから」をテーマに掲げています。ここで言う知覚とは外側からの刺激を五感などで感じ取り、反応し、その刺激によって生み出される思考の過程をいいます。今回のテーマは、2019年末から始まった新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う、私たちの感覚の変化について、アートの視点から問いかけるものです。
The 2021 Nakanojo Biennale International Contemporary Art Festival's theme is "-PARAPERCEPTION- From Beyond Perception." The perception here refers to the process of thinking by feeling and reacting to external stimuli with the five senses. From an art perspective, this theme examines the changing senses that accompanied the coronavirus outbreak beginning at the end of 2019.
What do artists feel? How can they relate to the perception of others, and how do they express it? Due to rapid changes in society, both creative expression and viewers are required to change. The internet is one method of art appreciation. What kind of experience can the Nakanojo Biennale create by releasing new works of art on the internet? We will try to create a new world, a little different from the current one.

2021 西島雄志 “真神” 2021 Yuji Nishijima “MAKAMI (Deified Wolf)”

2021 中村 Mather 美香 “過去と未来の狭間から:I remember tomorrow like it happened only yesterday.” 2021 Mika Nakamura-Mather “I remember tomorrow like it happened only yesterday.”
2019 鳥越義弘 “景色の記録 / Nakanojo” 2019 Yoshihiro Torigoe “Recording the Landscape / Nakanojo”
中之条ビエンナーレ2021 ロゴマーク Nakanojo Biennale 2021 logo mark
About the Nakanojo Biennale
中之条ビエンナーレは群馬県中之条町で開催される国際現代芸術祭です。2006年にアーティスト主導で発足し、2007年に第一回が開催されました。その歩みは、中之条町民とアーティストが共に新しい何かを育てる土壌を耕し、町民と共に回を重ねるごとに関係性を育み、中之条町であることを大切にした文化芸術の基盤を作り上げてきました。 The Nakanojo Biennale is an international contemporary art festival held in Nakanojo Town, Gunma Prefecture. It began in 2006 through an artist's initiative, and the first was held in 2007. Through the process, Nakanojo's townspeople and artists have cultivated the soil to grow something new, fostered new relationships, and laid the foundation for cultural arts in the area. Beautiful satoyama culture growing from the varied terrain and climate characterize Nakanojo town.
中之条町の特色には、雄大な山々に囲まれた地形やラムサール条約湿原、養蚕天蚕や温泉文化、地域ごとに受け継がれた民俗行事や祭事など、変化に富んだ地形や気候により美しい里山文化を織りなしています。第8回をむかえる中之条ビエンナーレ2021では、国内外から創造的、革新的なアイデアやプロジェクトをもつ多分野のアーティストによる展示、演劇、パフォーマンスなどの多様な表現をご覧いただけます。 The area is surrounded by magnificent mountains and features sericulture, the Ramsar Convention, hot springs, and folk events and festivals inherited in each region. At the 8th Nakanojo Biennale 2021, you can see various expressions such as exhibitions, plays, and performances. The artists come from various fields with innovative ideas and projects from home and abroad.
2015 半谷学 “登竜門・風の竜” 2015 Manabu Hangai “The GATEWAY TO SUCCESS : The WIND DRAGON”
2015 小林 正樹 “その間” 2015 Masaki Kobayashi “Bitween”
2017 MAKOTO “Codice NB”
2017 鉾井 喬 “風と土の接点” 2017 Takashi Hokoi “Contact of the Land and the Wind”
2017 MAU(Manifold Art Unit) “BARDO -痕跡-” 2017 MAU(Manifold Art Unit) “BARDO -vestige-”
2019 タナッチャー・チャイリン “かかわり合い” 2019 Thanatcha Chairin “Relation”
2015 半谷学 “登竜門・風の竜” 2015 Manabu Hangai “The GATEWAY TO SUCCESS : The WIND DRAGON”
2015 小林 正樹 “その間” 2015 Masaki Kobayashi “Bitween”
2017 MAKOTO “Codice NB”
2017 鉾井 喬 “風と土の接点” 2017 Takashi Hokoi “Contact of the Land and the Wind”
2017 MAU(Manifold Art Unit) “BARDO -痕跡-” 2017 MAU(Manifold Art Unit) “BARDO -vestige-”
2019 タナッチャー・チャイリン “かかわり合い” 2019 Thanatcha Chairin “Relation”
The Charm of Contemporary Art in the Mountain Village Area
An artist-in-residence is when an artist creates or does research away from where they normally live and work. Many artists who participate in the Nakanojo Biennale start by staying in Nakanojo Town, interacting with the townspeople, listening to local stories, and learning the area's history.
By staying in Nakanojo, artists can experience the atmosphere and texture of the land, resulting in creative works that are unique to this area.