We have closed the artist open call.
Thank you very much for your entries.
Artist Open Call
Nakanojo Biennale is an international art festival held in Nakanojo, in Gunma prefecture an area with unique culture. Magnificent mountains, Ramsar sites, hot-spring villages, sericulture, folk events and festivals all pass down traditions from the varied landscape, weaving a beautiful mountain culture. We are looking for resident artists with innovative ideas and projects from multi-disciplines for the 7th Nakanojo Biennale 2019.
- Dates:
- 24th August[Sat]- 23rd September[Mon, National Holiday]2019
*open everyday for 31 days - Location:
- 5 areas of Nakanojo-machi(Nakanojo・Isemachi/Isama/Shima Onsen/Sawatari・Kuresaka/Kuni)Venues include Shopping Street, Onsen Town, Wooden School Buildings or Old Japanese-style Houses.
Previous Location: The Central Shopping District, Isama Studio, Shima Onsen, Akaiwa Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings and more. - Previous
Data: - Participating Artists: 162 (including groups).
Locations: 51 places
Number of Visitors: 420,000 people (accumulating totals)
Artist's Allowance: 50,000 yen (for each one group) - Note :
- We aim to bring artists and local people together at Nakanojo Biennale.
Please have a spirit to respect each other. - Application
Period: - 7th May[Mon]2018 - 11th July [Wed]2018
*As indicated by the postmark on the envelope.
Application Rules :
・Sculpture,Painting,Photography,Video Art, Installation,Performance etc… We are open for all genres of application including feature exhibition.
・We accept both individual and group artists. If you plan to apply as a group, please include everyone's personal details as stated below (Reference 1.application guidelines ①~⑤) and then apply with a group portfolio that includes your plan and concept. Application processes are the same as individual artists but we will contact the leader of group. Additional members won't be allowed once you submit the application. So please ensure you include all the members from your group.
・Pay your own expenses.(making work,carrying in/out, transportation,food etc…)
・No exhibition charges. Artist’s allowance will be paid after installing work for each artist/group.
・The art-work should be installed by the deadline for safety confirmation and taking photograph two weeks before the opening reception.
(There will be different timeline for installing works depending on the location. )
・The Artists should join the orientation (from 1st to 2nd September, 2018) for at least one day.
*If you live overseas and can’t join the orientation we will allocate a location dependent on your submission.
・Artist in Residence Nakanojo (free of charge) will open during from 5th April to 3rd August in 2019.
* The residence schedule has 5 terms and there is a research tour for during each term.
** It is available for participants only (not for your friend or family).
*** If you can join the orientation, you are eligible to apply for the prelude exhibition.
Term 1: 5th April to 6th May for participants of the prelude exhibition.
Nakanojo and Isemachi Area : central and culture town.
Term 2: 15th May to 8th June
Nakanojo and Isemachi Area : central and culture town,
Isama Area : Silk Farm and Wooden School Building etc...
Term 3: 12th June to 6th July
Nakanojo and Isemachi Area : central and culture town,
Sawatari and Shima Area : Onsen Town and Wooden School Building etc...
Term 4: 10th July to 3rd August
Nakanojo and Isemachi Area : central and culture town,
Kuni Area: Old Japanese-style Houses and Silk Farm Museum etc…
Term 5: For long stay
Nakanojo and Isemachi Area : central and culture town,
Other Exhibition Area (You must have a car license and drive a car by your self. )
・The art-work must be installed and removed by each artist during the term of carry in/out.
*If the artist live overseas and can't remove by themselves, please get in touch as necessary.
・The Artists can contact with the Office of Nakanojo Biennale via e-mail.
■There won’t be assistant / technical staff at all venues, so each artist must be responsible for their work.
・Be sure to clean your exhibition place before and after your preparation.
・Be sure of the safety of your art works. We won’t allow the exhibition of work with potential dangers.
・Be sure to install work not to be stolen or removed easily.
・Be sure to install work not to become moldy. The festival location becomes humid during the period of the festival.
・We won’t allow artists to make structural alterations or tamper with electric wring without permission.
・Entry an insurance for protection against natural disaster or any uncontrollable accident.
(The executive committee of Nakanojo Biennale has supporting system for getting insurance )
■Please understand the images or data of art works, artist’s face or personal history which would be used by advertisement for website or the mass media. This might not only by the executive committee of Nakanojo Biennale but also any other medias.
■The art works shouldn’t infringe any copyright or intellectual property right.
Application process.
1. Application
【 By post 】
Please send the portfolio (in conformity with the guideline ) to the secretariat of Nakanojo Biennale by post by on Wednesday 11th of July in 2018.
・The size of portfolio which is expected less than A3.
・The artist’s five details below should be mentioned on the cover or first page of portfolio.
We might not accept the portfolio without these details on front.
①Artist’s real name or the leader’s name of group.
②Artist’s name or group name (If it is same as ①, it doesn’t need to describe).
③Country name and address.
④Mobile phone number or landline phone number which can contact with us.
⑤A mail address(PC, Mobile, or Smart Phone, any of which can receive the PDF files.)
・A CD-R or a DVD which can be accompanied by your portfolio but the portfolio is mainly screened.
・Please send the photocopied portfolio because it won't be returned.
*The personal data won't be used except the purpose.
The Office of Nakanojo Biennale
〒377-0494 (Postcoode)
Gunma-ken, Agatsuma-gun, Nakanojo-machi, Nakanojo-machi 1091 Japan
TEL: +81-279-75-8848 (Japanese only, during weekday from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. UTC+9 )
*Please notice “Portfolio enclosed” on the envelope.
【 By website 】
Please apply through the website until 24 o’clock, on Wednesday,11th of July in 2018 when you understand the guideline.
・The individual artists or group artists can send own web site or PDF file of portfolio for application.
* You can also send both of them.
*If you neither mention the artists web site nor the PDF file on the application form, the examine would be disapprove.
・Please send your information through the application form.
After sending application form when you receive “The automatic response”, receipt of your application form is confirmed.
Please check your inbox for the confirmation e-mail. If you don’t receive confirmation, please get in touch with us.
* Personal data won’t be used except the purpose.
We have closed the recruitment of participating artists.
Thank you very much for your entries.

2. The screening and result notice
We will inform the result to all applicants by post or the applicants who live overseas by e-mail in early August.

3. Necessary to join the orientation
for successful candidates
Orientation dates: from 1st September[Sat]to 2nd September[Sun], 2018.
The Artists must join the orientation schedule above for at least one day.
We are going to Nakanojo-machi areas on 1st September, Kuni areas on 2nd September for preliminary inspection.
It’s necessary for the artist to join the orientation in person as all the important information about Nakanojo Biennnale will be given then.
(We will allow recognised representer to join the orientation instead of the artist in certain circumstances. If this is the case please get in touch in advance.)
*If you live overseas and can’t join the orientation we will allocate a location dependant on your submission.
We can arrange the accommodation if needed. Please inform us in advance.

4. Submission of your request
for the location and the plan
Submission Period: 9th October [Tue]
Submit your request for the ideal location with your plan by the specified form.
We can arrange to re-visit the location if necessary.

5. Co-ordination
We will locate you based upon your request and plans. However, please understand your request won’t always be met because of the popularity of the locations or the directions.
The result of the location will be notified to each artist at the end of December 2018.

6. The decision of participants
Once the location has been confirmed you officially become participant artist of the festival.
If the alternative offer of location doesn’t meet your plan, we might decline your participation.
Once confirmed, each artist can start working in Nakanojo.
The schedule from application to the decision of the participants | |
1.The dead line of application: | By 11th July in 2018 by post (postmarked) or web (by 24:00, UTC+9 ). |
2.The screening and result notice : | The information by post or e-mail in early August. |
3. The orientation(obligation): | At least one day to join the term from 1st to 2nd September. |
4. Submission of your request for the location and the plan : | The deadline is 9th October[Tue], 2018. |
5. Coordination : | The Artist’s request location and plan will be coordinated and inform the the decision to the artists at the end of December, 2018. |
6.The decision of participants : | After accepting the offered location by the office of Nakanojo Biennale then the artist will be an official participant. |